Frequently asked questions

Do you need to be a member of a Grand Harbor organization to volunteer at one of these organizations?

No!      Our goal is to recruit as many volunteers as possible to help children, families and adults who need to receive a hand up now. Currently far too many are stuck on waiting lists.

Are we hoping Oak Harbor and other community residents volunteer at these organizations?

Yes!    They have a wealth of knowledge to share with others. Our goal is to create a database of worthy causes that could benefit from additional members experience, wisdom, and generosity.   

What can I do to discover if I might enjoy volunteering at a particular organization?

Recommendation:      Review the websites of potential organizations you might enjoy helping. After discovering the organization(s) that interest you, call and ask to tour their facility before sharing your personal information. 

How do you know this program is an effective way to stimulate members to explore volunteers & mentors opportunities?

To discover if  our concept could help solve the chronic volunteer shortage we ran a pilot project at Grand Harbor. We provided information about 32 organizations our members financially support. Between 9/24/22 to 11/23/22, the days the pilot project was active, 144 individuals viewed our website 263 times. New and returning individuals are viewing our website almost daily since the pilot project phase ended on 11/23/22.

This website is now a permanent part of Grand Harbor's philanthropic program. It helps further Grand Harbor’s impact on the community.

Even before COVID, tradition recruitment methods of volunteering failed to recruit enough volunteers. Volunteers allow these organizations to help more of our neighbors get a timely hand up without needing to raise additional funds. Volunteers also help make organizations staffs more productive.

How does this method differ from traditional volunteer methods of recruiting volunteers?

We have developed a new and unique formula for recruiting volunteers.

i.)      Individual communities, instead of outside organizations, will be actively involved in recruiting their members to volunteer. Many of these members are already financially supporting their preferred nonprofit organizations.

ii.)      We are using the internet as the major recruitment tool

iii.)      We  making it possible for potential volunteers to discover information about the the variety of volunteer opportunities they might enjoy easily and anonymously.

iv.)      Our goal is to have potential volunteers arrange to tour the nonprofits facility before disclosing personal information.

v.)      We never seek donations.

Are you willing to share this formula with other communities.

Yes!      The success of our pilot program proved the effectiveness of this new and unique formula for recruiting needed volunteers. Please contact me if you what to explore ideas on how to introduce a similar program in your community.

How do I discover information about other local nonprofit organizations in IRC that are not listed on this website?

Cut and paste https://issuu.com/pbmg/docs/vb_t_t_2024?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ   

in your browser to discover information about all 145 major local nonprofit organizations  in IRC.  The Indian River Community  Foundation supplied this information in the Vero Beach Magazine's 2025 issue. 

After accessing this site, use the bottom scroll bar to scroll to page 46. You'll note these 100 non-profit organizations are divided into 13 catagories.   Approximately 2/3 of this list, help individuals and families needing resources, while the remaining 1/3  focus on improving our community.   

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